Hello, my friends!
What a month November has been. This Sunday’s Advent word is HOPE, and I certainly am turning my face to hope in December. I hope, yes that’s a bad pun, that you are enjoying the Advent series, and have been using the Devotions. Today, as I write this, I am pondering the word JUSTICE, and what that truly means. A just person in the Bible was a person who gave love and assistance. I have bene thinking about that a lot.
Some questions that have come my way this week:
Will you go see the film about Bonhoeffer? As Lutherans know, we remember the death and ministry of Dietrich Bonhoeffer on April 9. His story is deep, theological, and well shared among his own writings and his contemporaries and family. There is a new movie out, and I have been asked if I will go. The short answer is no. My understanding from reading several reputable scholars’ reviews is that Bonhoeffer’s story has been changed in ways that actually go against what Bonhoeffer stood for and historical facts. I also understand that his own family have spoken against the film as well. I have a longer explanation, but another shorter answer is to direct you to a periodical that I actually read and subscribe to, here’s an article that they have published.
When are you putting up your Christmas Trees? As my ABC students have known, I put up (with Pete’s help of course!) 7-9 trees a year. Last year was pitiful. I only had one up, due to my fall down the stairs–I just couldn’t do anything. This year, Pete and I are putting up my Church Office tree again and a few more at home. I’m not sure that I believe the fanciful story of Martin Luther starting the Christmas tree tradition ON HIS OWN, but I will thank him for encouraging it. See, you never knew that being a Lutheran was so cool! Each tree has a theme of some sort, and ornaments a plenty that have memories attached. If you are putting up a tree, be sure to share a picture!
Are you skipping Thanksgiving this year? Absolutely not. By the time you read this, my family will be suffering from turkey overload and hopefully celebrating a Lions win. Of course, we all will be celebrating a Packers win, too.
But Thanksgiving is definitely more than football and turkey. It’s about taking time and expressing gratitude to our Creator and God. It’s about giving thanks for the blessings and gifts we have received and pondering how we can share such gifts with others. Our liturgy has a prayer that I would like to share with you. It is below. But before you get to that, I wish to give thanks for you, Bay Shore, and your loving hearts. It is a pleasure to serve with you. Bay Shore is a special place, and we have much to be thankful for.
God’s blessings and peace on you and your loved ones,
See you on Sunday,
Pastor Sarah