
Hephatha Lutheran Church--Our Partner In Ministry
Bay Shore’s Social Ministry Committee and members help meet the needs of families at our partner church, Hephatha Lutheran, at 17th and Locust in Milwaukee.
The Committee coordinates the collection and delivery of donations for Meals in a Bag, backpacks of school supplies, Christmas and Easter food baskets, Sunday luncheons, Mother’s Day boxes of candies, Summer Work Program snacks, and other items as needed.
For almost 30 years, we have supported our sister congregation, and have shared joint ministries and services.
Young Adult Fellowship
I’m an adult now, what’s next? Young Adult Fellowship is a group of people around ages 22 to 50 that get together a few times a year to catch up and discuss faith, the world, and anything else that is weighing on their hearts. By including such a wide range of ages, people are encouraged to share personal experiences that may be different from others that are younger or older than they are.
This group will also be encouraged to share their sentiments about the community at Bay Shore and help brainstorm ideas to encourage more young adults and young families to visit. This is a fun group that is meant to provide young adults with a space of fellowship in a smaller group setting to promote conversation.
Quilting Group
For 41 years, Bay Shore’s Cover Girls have made quilts for the needy, contributing 3531 quilts through Lutheran World Relief.
They were featured in the September 17, 2018 issue of Living Lutheran magazine after hosting the Trinity Lutheran Quilters from New Holland, PA, for a weekend of fun, sightseeing and fellowship.
The quilting group is open to all persons, and to the community. They meet at church from 10am to 2pm on most Mondays of each month.

Soup'R Books
This book club meets 4-5 times a year after worship on Sunday mornings for soup and a book discussion.
Stay tuned for upcoming Spring dates!
Please connect with the Church Office for more information. Our calendar shows up coming dates and times.