Faith Formation
Faith Formation for Children
Learn about the Bible with friends! During the school year, “Sunday School” starts at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. Children leave for Faith Formation after the Children’s Time message and then they return in time to share Holy Communion with their families.
We have a single multi-age class (age 3 through fifth grade) that meets together during the sermon portion of the 9:30 a.m. worship service. All children are invited forward for the Children’s Time and then led to learn more about Jesus in a different setting–we call this J.A.M. (Jesus and Me!).
During the summer, children gather again for Children’s Time and then are dismissed for Praise Play, a play time that begins with a thank you prayer and ends with popsicles! This program is intended for the same age group. Weather permitting we are outside for Praise Play.
Faith Formation for Youth
Youth ministry looks different in every single church, and it means something different for each youth that is a part of it. Just like we change and grow to adapt to different periods in our lives, so does our faith and connection to God. By providing safe spaces for youth to have fun with friends and explore their faith in ways that are accessible and inclusive, builds a foundation of community and care for them to carry out into the world. Questions about our Middle School and High School Youth Groups? Email Marissa, our Youth & Fellowship Director.
ABC class (Confirmation) is for all sixth through eighth graders to participate in, and in addition to Confirmation, monthly middle school and high school events are hosted at Bay Shore. These events are planned based on the interests of the group and are meant to facilitate understanding of community. As these groups grow and become more involved in the church, we hope to provide more opportunities for service at Bay Shore and in the wider community. Pastor Sarah and Marissa lead our ABC studies. Questions? Please email Pastor Sarah!
Adult Faith Formation
We provide several opportunities for adults during the school year to study God’s word and how it applies to our lives. Join us to discuss and learn in various ways, including Bible study, reading books, and discussing our faith.
Join us at one of our Adult Faith Formation opportunities:
Bible Study
The bible study meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 8:30 a.m in the church lounge.
Bible Study
Our bible study meets weekly on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom and in person in our Luther room,
Second Sunday
Each 2nd Sunday after worship, we are offering an Adult Forum about a timely topic. Topics are shared in our
eNews weekly.