Bay Shore Lutheran Church has a passion for music – we enjoy our choirs, handbells, special musicians, soloists and artists-in-residence. Join us on Sundays at 9:30am!

Ben Perkins, Choir Director, and Dulcie Shoener, Minister of Music
Our 2024-2025 choir season begins on Thursday, September 5th at 7pm.
Under the direction of Benjamin Perkins, our choir will sing on various Sundays during the school year. We perform a diverse selection of music and enjoy opportunities to share our ministry throughout the community. On occasion, we sing at our partner congregation, Hephatha Lutheran. We have also performed the National Anthem at Brewers and Bucks’ games.
You don’t have to be a member of Bay Shore or a music virtuoso to join us. If you love music, have some time to devote to this ministry and want to praise God in this way, you are welcome!
Stay up-to-date on all things choir, special events, rehearsal schedule, a note from the director and more, by clicking here!
Bay Shore’s handbell choir adds a joyful sound to select Sunday services – especially during the holidays. Directed by our talented minister of music Dulcie Shoener and accompanied by pianist Wilanna Kalkoff, who recently retired after 40 years with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, this handbell choir practices occasionally prior to performances and consists of members who have some music-reading ability.
To volunteer or to inquire, please fill out a pew card during the church service or Contact The church office