Thank you for continuing to read on.
We will be posting our Youth Director position on July 1 in a variety of places that hopefully will reach its intended audience. This is a part-time position, with a job description that includes serving our high school youth as well as creating opportunities for our middle schoolers, too. We posted this position earlier this year, but we did not find the right fit. Please join me in prayer about this position and also for the right person to apply. It is such an important role in our church—I know we all agree we need to focus on our youth right now. We will receive applications through July 20, and hopefully begin interviews soon after. If you have any questions or know of a potential person for this role, do not hesitate to contact me.
News I was asked to pass on. Our synod’s Women of the ELCA will be disbanding this October due to lack of leadership. Many of us know of the legacies of our women’s groups in the church—circles, service groups, and more—but over the past 20 years, membership and involvement has declined. After much prayer, the current leadership will step down and the WELCA unit will disband.
I am sad to hear of this news, and I wrote to the current president and gave thanks for her and the board’s leadership and the hard decision they made. But I also understand that our churches have evolved, and many of the ministries that were once gender-tied are now more open and inclusive. This is good. I also see how the legacies of these groups encouraged all people in their congregations to serve Christ in a variety of ways. So please join me in giving thanks for the many groups of women over the generations who led us to this day.
And speaking of serving Christ, we have to begin planning for our Second Annual MLK Day of Service. Our Social Ministry Team assists, but we all agree that having a dedicated group leading and coordinating the Day of Service is needed. So, if you are not currently on a committee, if you are a parent and would like to pitch in from home, if you would like serve in the community in a meaningful way—this opportunity to be on the MLK Team is for you. Please connect with me in the next few weeks, and I will get back to you and others as we gather and plan for the event.
As we enter July, my prayers are with you all. May God grant us peace, joy, and love from those around us as we live our faith out loud and share the love of Christ with others.
Pastor Sarah
You may email me at [email protected] or call the church office and leave me a direct message on my private voice mail. 414-332-6436–be sure to select my voicemail box.