Dear friends,
Our Council met this past Tuesday, and we had a long, good meeting of discussion about the future directions of Bay Shore. Here are a few highlights for you:
- Reed Groethe, on behalf of our Guiding Team, presented a report with the motion to accept our new mission statement, values and plan of ministry. It was approved. Council will now create special teams to work on our action steps for the plan of ministry, with deadlines and goals. Our consultant will continue to assist our new team leaders in their work.
- Our Special Summer Appeal concluded (you can still participate—simply call the church office or return your commitment card if you missed our targeted deadline). We had 42 households increase their pledges for 2022 for a total of $22,768. Our Finance Committee will meet soon to discuss our next steps for this year and discerning our 2023 budget. They will report to Council their suggestions on how to adjust for our current deficit.
- Council created a special Task Force for Safety with three members to review and create safety procedures in the event of emergencies.
- And finally, Council discussed our upcoming worship schedule. This past Spring, I had been approached by a few 8 am attendees asking if it was time to have only one service at Bay Shore. Pam Woodard (Council President) and I reached out to many members who attended or had attended 8 am services in the past year. We received thoughtful responses. In the end, the majority of responders agreed that having one service at 9:30 a.m., like we do in the summers, made sense. Council approved to continue our one service schedule this Fall after much discussion. Our goal and prayer is to continue to worship together as one, encouraging one another and also welcoming new visitors with more faces and singing voices. Do mark your calendars with the change.
I have committed to the Walk/Run Outreach for Hope Fundraiser on September 24 on behalf of Bay Shore. Of course, you too could do the event and raise funds as well. But if you prefer, you can simply support through me and my fundraising page. Click here to do so.
Blessings and peace to you as you continue to enjoy this summer’s weather.
I hope to see you soon,
Pastor Sarah
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