Putting away our Christmas decorations is always bittersweet. On one hand, it may seem past time and on the other hand, many love its color and lights. This year, especially, my Snoopy-esque style lights on the house really brightened my nights, and I loved seeing other homes and trees peeking through the windows. Perhaps you did not notice, but I even had the tree below at Church on a timer! Festive indeed!
But I know it’s time because already we have moved on with our liturgical year and I am planning Lent. So today, I am taking it down. Well, at least this tree. I have a quite a few at home, and if I get them all down by Candlemas, I feel good about that! Pete’s COVID has set us back, you could say, but usually it takes me a good month to get all of it down.
But as I do put away my Office tree today, I remember our Christmas Eve services and how wonderful it was to see everyone, the music we had, and the joy in celebrating Christ’s birth. These joyful thoughts will carry me and my soul a long time, long after Candlemas and my boxes have a new covering of dust. The good news is that I know this tree and all others will return, with the same old memories and perhaps a few new ones to come. So while it is a sad activity, I also find it happy—looking ahead to good things, it makes me cheerful. I pray that this Christmas season was joyful for you, too, even if only a few small ways—and I pray we all find peace in the New Year. Blessings to you, Pastor Sarah
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