Dear Bay Shore,
I know our weather will change a lot over the next few weeks, but a touch of Fall was certainly here. To me, Fall brings back memories of new shoes, new classes, new teachers, etc. In the church community, we have this sense of “new” as well. New “church year,” new ideas, new plans. This Fall at Bay Shore, we especially have a lot of “new.”
Our Strategic Plan outlined several things we understood that we needed to do to meet our goals. We formed new teams to address these goals, and the work of the teams and our working committees carried these goals and action steps very well the past year. But Council and I understood that we still were missing some areas of work that needed to be done, and finally, this Fall, I feel like we are on that path.
With Ben Perkins beginning his second year as our choir director, with expanding his job to include working with children, with Owen Albrecht beginning as our new custodian, on site almost daily and able to address our cleaning needs, and with Mariss Knopick beginning her position as Youth & Fellowship Director, forming youth groups as well as carrying the staff load of fellowship and outreach—Dulcie, Kate and I, we are able to focus on our own specialties and tasks within the Plan.
And because of this, there is a lot happening at Bay Shore this Fall. And this, my friends, is on purpose and good. We hope to continue to reach new people in our area to join us here, we hope to become more welcoming as they enter our building, and we pray that everyone understands that we all are needed to fulfill our Plan.
This Sunday, the Talking to People Team will present a discussion on “Listen Up! What Am I Really Saying?” The team will lead us in listening skills, and how to “read” people’s expressions better and how to actively listen and talk to people. This comes straight from the Strategic Plan—to be a welcoming community, we need to listen and respond well. All of us are invited to this session. It is not for just volunteers and greeters—we all represent Bay Shore, even when we are not AT Bay Shore.
Another part of our Plan is to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation. This is a process, not a quick vote or decision. Over the next several months, we will begin the process by first laying a foundation for our discussion. On Sunday, Oct. 6, following worship—Marissa will guide us on understanding the letters and their meanings within LGBTQIA+. Marissa has a certificate in LGBTQIA+ studies from UWM, and has a lot to share on the topic. At our November 10th discussion, we will then learn about gender and orientation, including the use of pronouns. I invite you to attend these first two discussions to have the foundation for our later discussions after Christmas.
Many of you have expressed a feeling of excitement and joy at Bay Shore—yes! We are excited, we are joyful, and we are looking forward to the future. Join us—wherever you are and however you can—and invite others to join us here.
In the meantime, enjoy the changing colors of God’s creation this Fall.
I’ll see you on Sundays.
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Pastor Sarah
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