Happy Summer to You!
And thank you for clicking the link and coming here to read about our current news at Bay Shore.
We have an interview committee meeting with candidates for the Choir Position this weekend. I am grateful to share that we have 2 strong candidates, and I am looking forward to the interviews. Please keep our process in your prayers.
What has not been an easy road has been the hiring of a Youth Director. I now understand the term “ghosted” because I have been, by various ages and stages of applicants, ghosted. What does this mean? It means that a person just drops all communication with you, and you really don’t have a clue why. This also includes simply not showing up for an interview after it was arranged around the applicant’s schedule. So, yes, this has been a challenge. But I am not giving up—we will continue to promote the position and seek out a director. Keep this process also in your prayers.
Now, having said that—often roles like Youth Director and Fellowship Coordinator are filled “in house” by members of the community who have a love and skills for these types of positions, but may also have a job and family, too. So, if you have wondered about these two positions, and how that may or may not work for you—give me a call. Let’s talk about it.
July is a quiet month at Bay Shore, as it is in most churches, but we will pick up again in August and September.
We hope to schedule some gatherings for our Millennials and Gen Xers soon.
I will begin my Bible Study again for Wednesday mornings in mid-August, and then have a break for Labor Day and my vacation. But, I am wondering if there is any desire for a bible study in the evening this Fall? I have tried it a few times at Bay Shore, but attendance was very light. I am also wondering if there is desire for Sunday morning educational opportunities—say once a month—on topics, like a forum. Do let me know about that, too.
While most of our committees do not meet until August, I know that the Fall Schedule is on their minds and how best to engage with you and the community–sharing God’s Love with All–and proceed with our Strategic Plan. Nothing happens well if it’s just staff led–so if you have interests and would like to be a part of the planning and implementation of our goals–let me know.
In the meantime, I hope to see you in worship soon, or at one of our gatherings. If you would like to schedule a personal visit with me—let me know by calling the church office. We can get that scheduled right away.
Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Pastor Sarah
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